most of you might know skinfood whitening line which is skinfood tomato whitening line. well, for 2014, they renew it and upgrade it into premium tomato whitening line, which is consisted with the toner, essence, emulsion, cream, and milky pack. the original tomato line is designed for oily skin, and the premium one also targeted people with combination or oily skin. so, whitening purpose plus oily skin.. i'm hooked. and luckily i can get my hand on the trial kit sample, which is consisted with toner, essence, emulsion and cream. but i decided to try them separately. and the first one to try is the emulsion.
for you who haven't known what emulsion is, basically emulsion is a lighter moisturizer, usually for people who has combination or oily skin. for those who has dry skin, you might want to add cream after emulsion. though there are a lot of hybrid gel-creams designed for oily skin, somehow i'm intrigued to try the emulsion. FYI, this is the second emulsion that i've tried. the first one gives me breakouts, so i do hope this one gives better result.
this is the description from contains 20% sun-kissed tomato extract and stabilized vitamin C derivative. a brightening emulsion that promotes pure, bright skin.
if you can see the picture above, the concentration of the tomato extract is different between each product. for emulsion, it's 20%. okay now.. let's move on to the review..
the packaging: the emulsion sample is placed in a screw top tiny plastic bottle. similar to the other emulsion sample bottle, but this one is bigger, so the opening is also bigger, and it makes it easier to get the emulsion out, unlike the other one. the plastic bottle is transparent, so you can see the product's height inside the bottle.
the scent: hmmm.. as usual, i'm stupid about scent.. but for me, it smells nice and so subtle, so it's a win situation for me.
the product: it's a white cream, very runny in consistency. and it's watery too.. very quick to be absorbed.. and it's true about emulsion. it's very lightweight, not greasy at all. i think it feels like water, but thicker. very refreshing. i think people with oily skin will really like this emulsion. oh, and a tiny bottle lasts for almost 1,5 months.
the result: okay, since it's supposed for whitening, i guess i don't use it long enough to give verdict about the whitening, but people told me that i looked more radiant.. but again, perhaps it's the pregnancy that makes me glow. though i'm not sure how those hormones make my skin glow.. hahaha.. i never believe in that kind of stuff, that you will look glowy when you're pregnant. all i can say, it has very good oil control. i'm surprised when i wear complete makeup to church couple weeks ago. usually, my nose will start to shine after 2-3 hours. but my nose was still matte even after i got home. which is unusual! and i used my sunblock too.. usually it's the one that makes my face greasy. and yesterday, when i was just finished taking shower after swimming, i forgot to bring my skincare with me, and i touched my bareface.. and i'm quite surprised to feel that my skin becomes smoother.. ohh..lovely..
so, overall i'm really impressed with this emulsion. unfortunately though, i've made my mind and bought the nature rep cream.. probably if i finished my cream i will buy the full version of this emulsion. for now, i do recommend this one for those who has oily/combination skin, lives in hot humid country (like indonesia!), and looking for brightening effect. but for those who has dry skin, probably you might want to skip this one or use this as combination with other cream.
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left: top and bottom = the sample bottle right: top = opening of the bottle, bottom = the product on my palm |