etude house rice mask sheet

ah... the luxury time to pamper myself is quite rare. though my baby's asleep longer at night now, sometimes i'm just exhausted to do anything and just browsing through bloglovin and instagram and doing a little exercise. other time i have to prepare some activities or cooking for my boy. and yesterday i'm feeling nothing but pampering myself, so i decided to grab another mask sheet from my stash. and my skin has been on the bad side. i have a couple of breakouts which i don't know the cause. probably the night cream i'm trying or the toner. but i doubt the toner since it contains witch hazel which supposed to help with inflammation. so i guess rice is quite suitable for yesterday.. the package said it's for purifying.

well, the rice mask sheet is from "i need you" mask sheets series from etude house. you can see that there's a lot of choices from the picture below. the description from etudehouse. com stated that risk mask contains rice extract (oryza sativa) that brightens up dull and rough skin for smooth and healthy skin.
i need you mask series
the packaging: like other mask sheet, this one has rice picture at front so you know the main ingredients of the mask sheet. 

the smell: oh well, i don't know how rice should smell, but i think this one smells nice and i doubt it's rice' smell.

the product: like previous experience, i have hard time adjusting it to my face. the nose part doesn't completely cover my nose, but the upper lip part always falls down even though i've been lying down most of the time. and the eye opening is smaller than i remembered. the essence on the mask sheet is generous, but not too excessive. i haven't read all the ingredients, so i don't know if the ingredients have cooling effect, but i do feel a little bit cooling effect when put on my face. after 20 minutes or so, it starts to dry off.

the result: as other mask sheets, it moisturizes my skin, but i don't see any purifying effect. but i have pimples on my nose bridge and near my lips, and after using this mask, it dries quicker along with the acne care treatment.

i will be glad to try this mask again since it has cooling effect. on hot days like these, cooling mask sheet is a breeze. probably will have to try several times before i can see the purifying effect. i'll suggest you to try it.

the mask sheet package

left: before using
middle: the ill-fitting mask
right: after using