adara PMS series ceramide pudding moisturizer

as i've said in my other posts, i bought some products from underrated local brands mainly because i'm a curious person. i'm a firm believer that sometimes cheaper products work well too. this time, i'm trying adara. honestly, i never heard anything about them before, but they have a wide range of products. they have several range, so i bought some from their yogurt line and their PMS series line. i've tried some and it's a hit and miss for me so far. anyway, after trying the aubree ceramide moisturizer, i wanted to try adara PMS moisturizer which use ceramide as its main ingredient as well. since i've just use the aubree one before this, i'll also compare this one with the aubree.

this is the translated description from their website: PMS ceramide pudding moisturizer. around period time when there's hormonal changes in your body, your skin need specific care. PMS series is designed for you who have oily or acne-prone skin. PMS moisturizer can help to keep skin moist and healthy with lightweight texture.
- moist the skin
- soothe acne
- maintain healthy skin structure
succinic acid to lift dead skin cells, gentler than salicylic acid. ceramide to strengthen skin barrier. safe for teen and sensitive skin.
key ingredients: panthenol, mugwort extract, pseudo, ceramide, ceramide-3, succinic acid.

the packaging: it comes in a pink box which you can open and there's additional info on the inside but i didn't take a picture of it. the box has a bit of description and ingredients list printed at the back. they seal the upper lid with sticker. the moisturizer itself comes in a pink plastic tub which is super light! makes me wonder whether it really contains 30 gram as it's stated. inside, there's another white plastic lid that covers the inside so the moisturizer doesn't come in contact directly with the air. they also provide a tiny, tiny spatula which surprisingly works well and so needed due to the moisturizer consistency.
the box
the scent: this one is unscented and since i don't bother sniffing it up close, i don't know whether it has subtle awful scent that most unscented products have or not. 
the tub
the product: it's a white gel type moisturizer that's solid at first like pudding. it's truly like pudding because i've tried to scoop it with my finger and let's say that it's not successful. so i have to use the spatula to scoop a bit and then put it on my face before spreading it around. surprisingly, even though it's solid like pudding inside the tub, it melts once you spread it around with your finger. but it's not the watery melting type. anyway, this moisturizer appears to be the "changing back" type. i notice that every time i use it in the morning and let the shape changed because of the spatula and leave it overnight, the next morning, the surface will be flat like new again. 
the inside. look at the tiny spatula
the result: it's moisturizing alright, but not too much. perfect for morning when i don't need heavy moisturizer. i can't say that it's lightweight since it does have a bit punch in it, but not too much. i can still layer my sunscreen on top of this moisturizer without feeling heavy. perhaps it's because my skin is changing toward the dry side so i appreaciate this kind of moisturizer more.
left: how it looks like on my hand
right: subtle glow that it gives afterward
anyway, compared to the aubree, i prefer the aubree one mainly because of the consistency. this one, even though it's solid like pudding, i feel like it's less moisturizing compared to the aubree that has runnier consistency. however, i still think this is suitable for all skin types since it's lightweight and who doesnt love ceramide nowadays? price wise, it's more affordable than the aubree one, but i finish this one quicker soo.. you'd better do math better. anyway, since this is a local brand, you can get it mostly online. i never see this in stores. so yeah, either from local marketplace or their own website. as for me, i don't think i'll repurchase this one. if i have to pick between this and the aubree, my pick would be the aubree one.