don't be bored yet, i'm trying to catch up on this show before moving on to the new season that i've already late to know. sucks. okay, let's move one, this episode theme is about summer dieting. the most common way to diet is pick the right food, and here's new kind of food for diet: acai berry, quinoa, kale and fennel. i know these might sound fancy, but these are considered new superfood that might help you feel full so you don't overeating. other tips for dieting is cut back your rice (especially for us asian, who eat rice everyday), and drink tea to break down the oil in your food. other way to slim down is by exercising. if you want to get nice bottom, try squats. or if you're so lazy, try tensing your belly all times.
and i don't think there are a lot of interesting items in this episode. most of the items are already seen before, like the benefit pore primer. the tips are the usual tips, like to use concealer for spots, and conceal pore for anti aging effect. use pink cream blush to brighten the face. make straight eyebrow to look younger. this straight eyebrow is popular in korea, while everywhere else usually tend to draw their eyebrows to match their face shape. and use shimmery cream shadow on waterline to make the eyes look more open. not so interesting episode, i must say... but if you want to watch the entire episode, you can watch it here.
and i don't think there are a lot of interesting items in this episode. most of the items are already seen before, like the benefit pore primer. the tips are the usual tips, like to use concealer for spots, and conceal pore for anti aging effect. use pink cream blush to brighten the face. make straight eyebrow to look younger. this straight eyebrow is popular in korea, while everywhere else usually tend to draw their eyebrows to match their face shape. and use shimmery cream shadow on waterline to make the eyes look more open. not so interesting episode, i must say... but if you want to watch the entire episode, you can watch it here.