lululun one night rescue clarify skin mask sheet

last time when i was in japan, i saw this new variants but i was clueless about it so i didn't buy it at first. then i went back there and i saw it again, so i decided to grab individual masks to try. again, i just randomly bought them without knowing what type that i grabbed. anyway.. if you haven't known about lululun, they have several lines of sheet mask in their collection. the regular version offers masks in pack, from 7 pcs in a pack to 42 pcs in a pack. it has 3 types. then they developed precious line which also comes in bulk and it has several types as well. it's targeted for more mature skin. then they launched weekly mask which has thicker mask and more essence. then there's this new one night type. i don't know that it's supposed to do, perhaps to give one night wonder to your skin. so let's see how it does.

this is the description from their website: refresh, brightness, moisture, clear skin, avoid rough skin. rescue who is busy everyday. wake up with confidence. lululun one night rescue remove stratum corneum and keep moisture, have clear skin.
rescue peeling off aims to make smooth marshmallow skin. what the problems of facial and body skin? dryness, dullness, slack, wrinkles.. more to the whole body: dryness, black spot, swelling, etc. this facial mask is designed for whom want to greedily care the whole body.
fermented rose honey: low inflammation soft peeling function gently take off the old stratum corneum in the skin, so that helps making brilliant skin.
passion fruits: rich in vitamins and beta carotens, kalium, etc. which prevents skin from dryness and makes resilient skin.
lipidure: skin-like hydrating feature allows high retention of water, even after washing face.
fermented yeast cell wall extract: support skin barrier function well in order to protect from external damages and helps avoid rough skin.
rich and thick 3 layers structure sheet "millefeuille-sheet" is used: upper and lower layers peel off the stratum corneum while middle one tightly lock the essence so that penetrate into various layers effectively.

the packaging: it comes in individual packaging and as small as the weekly version. it has similar design, sky background and a set of closed eyes with fluttery eyelashes. the difference is in the color of the background. for clarify type, it comes in night-time scheme, blue and white sky background. there's description and ingredients list at the back in japanese.
the packaging
the scent: it smells just like other lululun mask. a bit like wet tissue scent but very subtle. once you put it on your face, the scent will dissipate.

the product: the mask is thick but still soft, like the weekly version. it adheres well to my face. there's no slit on the outer part but there's that weird inner eye slit. it's wider at temples, decent nose flap and a bit longer on jaw part, it's okay for me, but if you have wider face than me, it might be too small for you. it has runny essence and there's a bit left in the package but not enough to soak a tablet mask, so i put back to the mask.
left: before
middle: mask on
right: after
the result: it's hydrating and give a bit brightening effect, but the brightness effect doesn't last. i think it will suitable for all skin types since it's not super heavy moisturizing-type, but if you have super dry skin, maybe it won't be enough for you. it doesn't pill under other skincare product either.

honestly, i do like it but i don't see the difference with the weekly type. perhaps if you like the weekly type mask but you don't like the scent (some of the weekly masks are aroma-care masks, which is scented), maybe you'd like the one night version. price wise, lululun masks are always affordable (unless it's special edition type) so it won't break your wallet. i don't know whether it also has bulk packaging for this line, so it's a good news for you who doesn't like bulk masks (due to hygiene reason). anyway, i will repurchase it when i go back to japan, because usually the prices online are much higher.