lululun plus aroma care oil mask sheet - lemongrass

i don't know why i always buy lululun masks whenever i went to japan. i do like their masks in a pack, so when they released their plus line, i wanted to try as well. i've tried the essential care masks and i do like some of them, but for the aroma care masks, i don't like most of them. there are 5 masks in this line and 5 masks in essential care line, and this is the last one to try. i put this one for last because i'm quite afraid what lemongrass will smell like. so let's see.

this is the description from their website: courage to tackle new challenges - blend of lemongrass essential oils from india. lemongrass has been used for centuries in india for its pleasing balance of booth crisp and sweet floral overtones. lemongrass revitalizes the senses when you are tired, and provides an extra boost to take on new challenges. lemongrass extract also returns your skin to its natural luxuriant appearance.
indian lemongrass essential oil formulation: lemongrass that has been used for thousands of years in india. a refreshing scent with sweetness that revitalizes the spirit's energy and gives it a boost for the challenges ahead. lemongrass extract brightens the skin for an even and glowing complexion.
artichoke: a favorite from ancient times. as an effective herb for beautiful skin, artichoke has been a favorite since ancient greek and roman times and is now widely used in french cuisine. extracts extracted from artichoke leaves condition skin roughness and leaves the skin with a smooth and youthful complexion.
cinderella care, extracted from european herbs. cinderella care (wild thyme extract) extracted from herbs and wild thyme of native european europe. it brightens and conditions tired skin for a healthy looking and even complexion.

the packaging: it has cyan background with the picture of lemongrass at front. description at the back always in japanese. the background is different each type. so you can differentiate each type from its color. other than that, everything's the same for the whole line.
the packaging
the scent: oh my.. i was right when i was hesitant to use this mask. the scent is off putting for me. it smells like lemongrass, quite strong too. and it lingers for some time. if you like herbal scent, you might be okay with it since it also has that herbal scent too. 

the product: the mask material is thick but soft that adheres well to my skin. it's wide on temples area and a bit tall forehead. but it has that weird inner eye slit while there's no other slit on the outer rim. it has long nose flat and other holes are okay. the fit is okay for me. it has clear essence but due to the pungent smell, i don't even see inside the pouch whether there's some left or not.
left: before
middle: mask on
right: after
the result: i put it on for about 15 to 20 minutes, and it's still wet. i think you can still put it on for another 15 minutes, but i can't stand the smell. after that i can see that it's hydrating but i don't see other visible effect.

let's just say that i'm obviously won't repurchase this type again. i'm okay with the essential oil care ones, but not the arome care masks. but if you like aromatherapy or you don't mind with scented masks, then you should buy it. but, you should keep in mind that lululun masks are pretty regular. they're not super juicy like taiwanese masks. so it's more suitable to be use as daily or regular masking, not for extra long pampering session. it's affordable as well, but the price won't be the same if you're buying it online or outside japan.