saborino morning lightening refreshing mask 32 pieces

i bought this pack a while ago. i've tried some but then i don't like it so i stop for a bit. then i bought foreo ufo, and suddenly, it changed my mind about saborino masks. anyway.. most saborino masks come in a pack, quite a big bulk, so choosing the right type is a must. but knowing which one to pick is hard since most japanese brands don't come with english description. luckily, lately they released smaller pack, so i think i'd try that one before buying the big bulk. anyway.. i really picked this one without doing any research before, so i just grabbed it randomly. later i found out that it's a morning type mask that supposed to refresh your skin. 

this is the description from nanamall website: saborino morning mask is designed to help you get ready quickly in the morning. when you wake up, take one sheet out and put it on your face. the sheet will take effect in just 60 seconds and you can start applying makeup. saborino morning mask is a life savior for everyone who wants to look amazing in the office in the morning, but wants to sleep in for just another five minutes! this special care face mask gives you 3-in-1 performance for cleansing, skincare, and primer (base). simply leave the mask for 1 minute for a quick skin nourishment after waking up. with pleasant mint and grapefruit scent.

the packaging: like i've mentioned before, this comes in a bulk packaging, so it comes in wet tissue like packaging. it's quite thick since it is a 32-pieces packaging. it comes in mint background and the main ingredients are pictured at front. for this one, it's grapefruit and mint. there's description at the back, but everything is in japanese as usual. the opening is quite secure. once you open the lid, there's another seal like a can lid inside. you have to get rid of it before you can lift the mask. 
the packaging
the scent: it smells really like mint. not too overwhelming though. it smells like fresh wet tissue, but it doesn't linger. once you put it on your face, the scent will dissipate.
description at the back
the product: the fit is not the best. it is really small. usually most mask will fit me, but this one is too small for my face. it's okay for the forehead and chin area, but it's too small on both cheeks and jaws area. it doesn't even cover my whole cheek. but thanks to christina from christinahello, she said to stretch it to make it fit to your face. and it's right. i can stretch it so it covers my cheeks. but the eye holes and mouth hole will be stretched as well. it doesn't have any slit but it has weird inner eye slit. the mask is made of thin material and stretchable. but since it's thin, it doesn't hold much essence. the essence is clear and runny type essence and it's distributed well among all the masks. but i always make sure i turn the packaging upside down so the essence is distributed well. the instruction says to use it only for 30 seconds, but since i'm using it with my foreo, i put it on my face at least 5 minutes. 
left: before
middle: mask on
right: after
the result: at first, it gives minty sensation so it's slightly cooling. but it's also sting my eyes for few first times. this is why i stopped using this in the first place. but then i realize this is called morning refreshing mask for a reason. this really awakens me. but unfortunately, i use this at night, so.. that's why i don't like it. anyway, it's standard hydrating mask, without any additional effect. since there's not much essence, it dries up easily. but i can use it for 5 minutes without any problem. there's still a bit left in the pouch after i finish all the masks, but not much. 
left: original size of the mask (notice how it doesn't cover my lower jaw)
right: after stretching it (now it can reach my lower jaw)

i have to say that since having foreo ufo, i like saborino masks better, but this type is a no for me. maybe other type, but not this one. it does give you refreshing feeling that you need to wake you up in the morning, but i don't use mask in the morning. so if you like using masks in the morning and in need for something refreshing to wake you up, then you should try it. though i think it's okay for all skin types, dry skin type might not like this since it's super lightweight. especially if you like mask-pampering session. this one is more suitable for quick masking session. as for the price, it's still affordable since it comes in a bulk. but it's not easily to get outside japan. there is some online shops selling it, but here the price would be much higher. so i don't think i'll purchase another one unless i went to japan to buy it again.