glad2glow 5% propolis hyaluronic acid barrier essence toner

i bought this when i bought the other moisturizers from glad2glow that i wanted to try. lately, i get curious to see glad2glow suddenly releases a lot of new products and they are hell lot similar to other brand's products. at first, i heard that this one is a local brand, but after searching for the truth myself, i found out that this one is not a local brand. in fact, this is another china's brand that's imported here. let's safe to say, it's quite different now than it used to. back then, they don't have a lot products in their line up and it's quite different with the other. the only similarity is the centella moisturizer. however, these days, a lot of their products are similar if not the same with other brand's. like the niacinamide, the mugwort, and the newest one, the syn-white one. anyway, it's such a shame because their products are really good. i like both moisturizers, but i can't say that i'll repurchase them after this.
the box
this is the description translated from their official marketplace channel: glad2glow 5% propolis hyaluronic acid barrier essence toner with main ingredients propolis, hyaluronic acid, and ceramide that can moist and soften facial skin. With lightweight texture and easy to absorb, it gives cooling sensation that can help soothe redness and acnes on the face. With regular usage, it will make skin softer and keep skin barrier healthy. 
Benefits: soften skin texture, moist skin, keep skin barrier healthy.
Hero ingredients: propolis extract - soothe redness and acnes, hyaluronic acid - helps to lock skin moisture, ceramide - keep skin barrier healthy and retain moisture inside the skin cells.
the bottle
The packaging: it comes in a yellow box with plastic wrapping to secure it. The toner itself comes in a transparent glass bottle with white plastic pump head that’s covered with another transparent plastic cap. The bottle is made of glass, so it’s quite heavy. The bottle looks yellowish since the toner is yellowish as well. It comes in 40 ml which is not much for a toner. But this one is marketed as an essence toner, so maybe it’s a bit fair since essence usually is not as big as toner? The pump works well and squirt the right amount of toner so i have no problem with the pump.
the pump head
The scent: actually i think it’s unscented, but if i sniff really close, i can pick up a hint of honey sweet scent, but it’s very subtle.
how it looks like on my hand
The product: it looks yellowish in the bottle, but it looks transparent on my hand. Funny thing is, when i try it the first time, it’s a little bit viscous. Like just slightly. It wasn’t running down my palm when i squirt it on my palm, but after using it regularly, it’s as runny as other toner. But i can still use it with toner as well. But mostly i just pump it onto my palm and then pat it on my face straight.
it gives a bit glow but then absorbed completely
The result: this one is clearly slightly moisturizing and hydrating. It’s soothing as well. Last week, i had this redness spot on my neck that seems stubborn and wouldn’t go away even i’ve tried everything else. I was lazy to buy another soothing serum that i used to use, so i thought why not try this toner. So i put it on a cotton pad and then put it over the redness spot for two days and it helps a bit with the redness.

I have to say that it’s a shame that their new products are just generic. I like this toner as well as both moisturizers, but i doubt i will enjoy their new products as they seem to copy paste other brand’s formulation and packaging. However, if you don’t have any problem with using this brand, then you should try it as it really works and very affordable. However, for me, i won’t purchase anything else from this brand because i’ve lost my interest. my problem with this brand is not that it's made in china, but the fact that they try hard to conceal it. they don't state on the box that this is produced in china, and even put korean text on it, to make it look as if this is a korean product. yeah.. it looks shady, so no thanks.