freeman beauty acai purifying clay mask

this is the last clay mask that i tried from my first batch freeman's purchase. seeing acai berry in the name is quite interesting. after i bought this, i found out that TBS also released acai berry mask, but i think it's in jelly form, but in clay form. so far, the only freeman disappointing product that i've tried is their gold grain, which does nothing to me, so let's find out about this one.

this is the description from their website: an 8-antioxidant blend including acai to re-energize skin! clay mask helps absorb oils, clarify, and clear clogged pores. perfect for all skin types.
a quick fix for dulling skin, powered by an 8-antioxidant blend of acai, blueberry, cranberry, goji, mango, mangosteen, noni, and pomegranate to neutralize environmental damage. super oil-absorbent clays draw impurities from skin and clean out clogged pores. perfect for all skin types.

the packaging: i tried the travel size one and it comes in a irregular shape sachet, the purple one with english description at the back. compared to other travel size/sample size, this one is pretty big. moreover this being a clay mask, a little goes very long way, so i considered they're pretty generous.

the scent: one thing that i love about freeman is that their clay masks smells nice. this one too. but i can't specify other than i think it's floral. bad nose.

the product: another thing to love about freeman masks is that they are colorful. this one is teal in color. pretty vibrant. and it's creamier than the avocado one. so it spreads easily. it takes about 15 minutes to dry and then it's easy to wash off too. i can feel cooling sensation when i put it on my face. if i keep using this on my whole face, it will last for 4-5 uses. but since sometimes i use it on my nose and chin only, i get more than that. and it doesn't dry out even when i transferred it to a clean container.

the result: i've read some reviews that this one pulls out gunk inside your pores. and it will breaks you out if you have unclean pores. so be careful not to use this before any important event. when i used this, i also experienced purging on my first try, but nothing on the second one. and the next one. after washing it off, it's not too drying, but still i have to moisturize heavily afterwards.

i really like this one. in fact more than the avocado. i use it on full face if i think my skin looks tired and need some lift. but my favorite combo lately is using this on my nose and chin and then use TBS rose mask on the rest of my face. the combination works for me. another thing to love about freeman? it's cheap! i still have my second batch before deciding which one to purchase. or i could just keep purchasing samples as long as they available. one thing not to like is i have to purchase this online, and there's a possibility that the seller will run out of these samples.
the packaging
left: mask on my face (look at that color! it makes you want to use it frequently)
right: the mask decanted on a container