liese creamy bubble hair color - soft brown

ever since i bought liese from my previous japan trip, i'm hooked. coloring my hair has been easier because of liese bubble hair color. fortunately, when i was there last time, i bought three of them. they have renew the line, so the whole packaging is different. they also added new colors as well. now there are two categories, the natural one and the design series. however, there's a difference between the ones in japan and in singapore. the one in singapore website, they have 7 shades in natural series, and 12 shades in design series (but the last one is ordinary black). while the ones from japan, there are 9 shades in the natural series and 11 colors in the design series. i bought two from the natural series and one from design series. since i'm writing this long after i've colored my hair, the first color that i picked to try first is the soft brown. at that time, my hair color was quite bright before using the soft brown. and kids has been starting school back then. my kids' school is pretty strict. they expect parents to model the same decency for the kids. so i thought having bright colored hair might not be suitable for school days, so i picked soft brown. actually this is my first time picking a cooler tones hue. usually i picked rose brown which is a warmer brown shade. so let's see how it goes. 

this is the description from the singapore's website: get your desired hair color effortlessly with easy foam! great color turnout from roots to hair tips. thick foam fully coats hair for even color turnout. smooth and moist finishing, contains hair protecting ingredient (lanolin acid).
soft brown is in the natural series, cool brown category. they have 5 brightness level (from 1- very subdued, to level 5 -very bright). natural series - enhance your look and style with classic natural shade. 
soft brown is a soft alluring brown for effortless stylish impression, brightness level 3.
the packaging
though you can't read japanese, the picture at the bottom
helps you get the idea what's inside the box
the packaging: the old packaging all comes in pink box. while the newer version comes in two different packaging. for the natural series. all comes in white/cream/ brownish box. they have different girls at the front with their hair colored to represent the shade of the hair dye. luckily, both the packaging in japan and singapore is the same. only in japan, it only has japanese text. for soft brown, the girl is holding a camera at front. you can see lots of description on the sides and back of the box, as well as the color prediction on top of the box and the back. there's also an pictographic on the box about how to use the bubble hair foam roughly, so you get the idea. i googled translate the box so i know exactly how long should i keep it on. inside the box, there are two bottles, one with screw cap and the other one with pump head. then there's a pack contains big leaflet, a pair of gloves and a rinse treatment. so if you have long hair, you should use a cape to protect your shoulder or clothes. 
again, no need to understand japanese
follow the picture to get the idea how to use it
color prediction
the product: you are supposed to mix the solution from the smaller bottle to the bigger one that has pump head. then turn it upside down for about 5 times and then you can pump the bubble to your hand and smear it on your hair. let me remind you, you're supposed to wash your hair and dry it beforehand. only dye it on clean hair. and don't forget to do patch test if this is your first time using the hair dye. if you have long hair, you're supposed to use the whole bottle, but if you have short to medium length hair, you can use three quarter of the bottle. once you put the bubble all over your hair (make sure to cover from the root to the end of your hair), you should massage it and put up your hair to a bun on top of your head. then wait about 20-30 minutes before washing your hair. if this is your first time, don't be alarmed if you feel burning sensation when you put it on your hair. it does burn a little bit, but i still can hold it. don't forget to use the rinse treatment as well. anyway, the rinse treatment is pretty thick. but it makes your hair really soft and smooth. and smells nice as well. 
right: after
please note that the color will go brighter after few washes
the result: as long you've washed your hair and dry it properly before using the hair dye, your hair should be dyed perfectly. i've used this hair dye for about 3-4 times by now, and it works just fine every time. this time too. but, i have to say, for something that has brightness level 3, this one is more subdued. probably because of the shade is a cool brown, so the difference is not that much with my natural hair color. as for the longevity, since this is a brown shades, it would go orangey if you don't treat your hair right. if you use cooler tone shade or blonde shade, you have to use purple shampoo to make it last longer. treat your hair right and it would last longer and you won't suffer from dry hair. i've used this numerous time and i use hair mask and hair oil to treat my hair. so far my hair doesn't suffer from dry ends. oh i forgot to mention the scent. since this is a hair dye, it still has that ammonia scent that i believe all hair dyes have. it's quite strong when you applied it and when you rinse your hair the first time. even though i've washed my hair properly, i can still smell the scent from my hair for 2-3 days until my next wash. but it's not super strong that makes me dizzy though. perhaps i became used to the scent? oh well.. just in case you're sensitive to scent, the scent is something that you'd usually smell in the hair salon, just to give you the idea how it would smell like. 

i have to say i'm pretty satisfied with this bubble hair color. it works well every time. if you like me, didn't like to hair salon especially just to color your hair (it takes a long time at the hair salon), then you should try this. for me, the method is quite simple, you just need to pump the bubble to your hair and spread it evenly. compared to cream one that my mom used to buy from supermarket, this is easier for me. i used to buy this whenever i went to japan, but since the pandemic, it's not an option to go there. i heard that you can find this in the marketplace, but the price won't be the same as the one in japan though. i'll repurchase this when i could finally go back to japan.