skintific amino acid ultra gentle cleansing mousse

okay, i know there are some issues regarding this brand right now, but i've bought this one way before the issue arise. but, i've already known that this brand is not a local one. however, i never bother to check the manufacturer, so imagine my surprise when i checked the manufacturer and saw that it was indeed made in PRC. printed in tiny fonts, just like they said. anyway, let's say after i finish the last batch that i bought from them, i won't be buying from them anymore. however, i won't judge you if you keep buying them because you like their products or if you can't afford anything else. you do you. so, let's see how this one goes.

this is the description from their website: cleansing mousse with micro amino acid, cleanse deeply with gentle touch on skin. formulated with natural ingredients for maintain healthy skin barrier. contain 5x ceramides and white truffle to lock moisture and keep skin soft and smooth. silky foam, as smooth as silk. easy to product in just 1 press, cleanse skin perfectly of dirt and excess oil.
hero ingredients:
- amino acid: effectively cleanse gently while keep skin smooth and hydrate
- 5x ceramides: contains 5 types ceramide to repair and calm skin barrier
- white truffle: high end mushroom from alba which fight free radicals, also rich in fatty acids to protect skin barrier
important points: quick silky foam, cleanse deeply and gently while maintain skin barrier. as smooth as silk, easy to produce rich foam in just 1 press to cleanse dirt also excess oil. with micro amino acid that effectively cleanse pores deeply with gentle touch on skin. formulated with 5x ceramide and white truffle to lock skin moisture after wash face

the packaging: it comes in light blue box which is similar to the rest of ceramide line. there's descriptions at the back of the box in english as well as ingredients list. please note that for this one, they don't state the manufacturer origin. the facial wash itself comes in transparent blue plastic bottle with white pump head. the pump head is quite big since it produces foam instantly. however, i don't like how hard it is to press the pump head. it makes controlling the amount that i want to dispense a bit hard to do. sometimes i end up squirt more than i need. anyway, this comes in 100 ml which is the normal amount of facial wash size.
the box
the scent: this one is scentless without any foul scent of the ingredients. 
description and ingredients list on the box
the product: even though they market this as a cleansing mousse, this is basically a foam. a facial foam. once you press the pump head, it will produce a foam, which has quite a body in it. it doesn't disperse easily so i can pat it to distribute it all over my face before rubbing it all over. i can also use this with my foreo without any problem. with foreo, it will bubble some more but not too crazy. 
the bottle
the result: they market this as an ultra gentle facial wash. well, sorry to say, but this is just a mediocre facial foam. once i rinse it off, i can feel the squeaky clean feeling afterward. though my skin doesn't become too tight and dry, but it still feels dry, especially if i don't use my toner or essence right after. but, it's not crazily drying either. let's just say this one feels ordinary. like other facial foam in the market that promise to be non drying but it's not.
how it looks like on my foreo
it's safe to say that i won't be repurchasing this one because there are better facial foam out there. however, i think if you like facial foam and don't mind a bit drying after effect, then you can try this one. especially if you have no problem with the issue surrounding the brand. this one is affordable so i can understand if budget is your problem. anyway, skintific is easy to get here so you won't have any problem trying this one. as for me, i'll pass not just because of that issue, but also because i don't like this one.